Iwona Białas, PhD



Iwona Białas, PhD

Owner - CosmetoSAFE Consulting / Safety Assessor

+48 884 286 740


As a safety assessor, Iwona Białas combines the key competences of a chemist, toxicologist and cosmetologist. Consequently, the cosmetic safety assessment prepared by CosmetoSAFE is reliable and multi-faceted.
An engineer with a PhD degree in chemistry, a specialist in toxicology with many years of experience in the cosmetic industry. A member of the Polish Society of Toxicology and an active member of the working groups of the Polish Union of Cosmetics Industry. A university lecturer on cosmetic chemistry.

Iwona Białas, PhD

As a safety assessor, Iwona Białas combines the key competences of a chemist, toxicologist and cosmetologist. Consequently, the cosmetic safety assessment prepared by CosmetoSAFE is reliable and multi-faceted.

  • Chemist – a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology
  • Toxicologist – she completed a specialisation organised by the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Medical University of Łódź, obtaining the title of a specialist in toxicology (No. 014/2018.2/183), in full mode, as specified by the Minister of Health
  • Cosmetologist – persistently struggling with cosmetic myths and consistently paying attention to the actual properties of cosmetics, rather than the promises …

Iwona Białas is involved in continuous development by participating in specialist courses for safety assessors, including:

  • Safety Assessment of Cosmetics in the EU organised by the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels
  • courses taught by German professional associations (DGK – German Society for Scientific and Applied Cosmetics and IKW – German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent Association).

She obtained the title of “DGK Safety Assessor” in 2018. She is regularly monitoring the legislative changes in the cosmetic industry both in Poland and Europe, keeping track of the current trends and new research opportunities concerning cosmetics. She is also the author of numerous professional publications and congress/conference presentations <check out our news>

The most important events:

  1. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PLACING COSMETICS ON THE MARKET – At the consumer’s scales, brand image and company index, VIII Forum Branży Kosmetycznej (VIII Forum of the Cosmetics Industry) , 19.11.2020
  2. Cosmetic Innovations From Safety Assessor’s Perspective, WeCosmoprof The Digital Event for Beauty, #Polish Beauty, 8.10.2020
  3. Is Lack Of PoD Value Always A Problem For Risk Assessment? DGK/IKW Seminar for Safety Assessors, Warsaw, 7.10. 2020
  4. Nanomaterials In Cosmetics – Safety Due The Exposure Conditions, 16th–17th October 2019, 4th International Conference InterNanoPoland 2019, Hotel Novotel, Katowice ..\wystąpienia, konferencje itd\InterNanoPoland\foto Internano 2019.jpg
  5. Real world safety assessments for data-poor products: How to approach data gaps, Continuing Education Course (CEC), 55th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2019): ..\certyfikaty\EUROTOX2019_Certificate of Attendance CEC4.pdf..\certyfikaty\EUROTOX2019_Certificate of Attendance.pdf
  6. The influence of EU Chemicals Legislation on Cosmetic Safety and Innovations, HPCI Central and Eastern Europe, 25-26.09.2019 Warsaw
  7. Marketing declarations from the Safety Assessor’s perspective,
    Legislation for Business: “How to properly advertise cosmetic products? Natural, organic, hypoallergic, free from…” the Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry, 29.05.2019, Warsaw 04.2019
  8. Hazards, exposure and risk assessment, i.e. cosmetic product safety assessment in a nutshell, A seminar by the Polish Union of Cosmetics Industry (PZPK) for the representatives of the State Sanitary Inspectorate, 9.04.2019 Warsaw
  9. The role of exposure in risk assessment. Hair dyes. The 12th Training and Scientific Conference of the Polish Society of Toxicology, 19-22.09.2017, Puławy ..\certyfikaty\PTTox 2017 Bialas.pdf