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DGK / IKW seminar for safety assessors


The DGK / IKW seminar for safety assessors is one of the most prestigious training courses in this field in Europe. Iwona Białas, PhD. was a lecturer in the autumn edition! Once as a participant, this time – a lecturer! In a few days Iwona Bialas will have an honour to perform a lecture entitled „Is lack of PoD value always a risk for safety assessment?” during the DGK/IKW Safety Assessor Seminar.


For years, we have been talking about the fact that "natural" isn't equal to "safe" in chemistry and toxicology. However, to believe that some people
In a few days Iwona Bialas will have an honour to perform a lecture entitled „Is lack of PoD value always a risk for safety assessment?” during the DGK/IKW Safety Assessor Seminar